Women and Islam is a program that seeks to raise awareness of violence, discrimination, and sexual abuse of women in Afghanistan. It is a media campaign that uses billboards, radio, television, and social media to spread its message. Women and Islam is unique in that it seeks counternarrative fundamentalist groups such as the Taliban and their wrong narratives of women’s rights in Islam. We strive to enhance women’s rights and address ideas surrounding these issues by using religious language in a predominantly Muslim country. AFWT seeks to reach out to these religious areas in Afghanistan and correct the “misunderstanding and misrepresentation of Islamic teachings,” which have eroded women’s rights in Afghanistan and the majority of Islamic societies. WFWT uses Islamic teachings against violence, especially those interpretations of the Quran that emphasize the equality of women to men.
Inspired by Muslim women in Libya, Maryam Rayed helped start Project Noor in 2017 during her cooperation with the Silkroad Radio and TV station in Afghanistan. AFWT hopes it can be a “tool for sparking conversations in people’s homes, mosques, and classrooms. We originally replicated Project Noor of VLW in Afghanistan.
The main objective of this project is to create awareness among youth and to strengthen women minority groups to counter hate speech, misogyny, and discrimination against women by fundamentalist groups. Following are the sub objectives of this project looking forward to achieving.